Friday, 29 May 2015

File Loading Issue using copy cmd in Vertica ERROR 2344:

       ERROR 2344: Cannot allocate sufficient memory for COPY statement (536870912 requested, 268435456 permitted)

   The above error occurred  while loading the file data into Vertica DB using copy command (even after putting rejected data file).


  • First check the Source file type.
    • Open the file in "Notepad + +". In the bottom side we can find the file type (eg: Dos\Windows)
    •  Ideally the file type should be "Dos\Windows".
    • If the file type is different the we need to convert it.

File conversion using "Notepad + +":
  • Open the file in "Notepad + +".
  • Go to  "Edit" and select "EOL Conversion" then select the required format.
  • Save the file.